Review: 4 out of 5
Okay, I'm going to take a break reviewing films just for a short while.
I haven't made any critic responses since Predators and that was a long time ago. Well, I'm back in my favourite desktop seat, but this time I share many view points on a video game. Non other than a large step of the most entertaining game of the year. It is Prototype, now because game's are very complex, I will judge it and break it down by the "Story", "Game play" and "Design" rather than how I critique films, music and other media.
Prototype is published by Activision and developed by Radical Entertainment, featuring Barry Pepper who voiced Alex Mercer, the most powerful character in the Wildstorm universe. It was released over a year ago in June 2009 for the X Box 360, PS3 and Windows PC, they also released a comic book published by DC comics Wildstorm, which ties in with the game. Players get to become the anti-hero in an open world environment and do battle with an ever present black ops military organization called Blackwatch and the Infected, (Resident Evil, anyone?) mutated victims of a plague spread throughout New York City.
Mercer wakes up in the middle of a morgue just before two surgeons were about to dissect him. He escapes a facility, Genteck, who are the main figurehead and centre of genetic manipulation and several conspiracies within the game. Though it is not long before the Blackwatch soldiers confront Mercer, attempting to shoot him down. Mercer, obviously survives and exhibits superhuman abilities. He discovers that he carries in his palms shapeshifting abilities that grant a range of different powers.
Eventually, he makes contact with his sister, Dana Mercer. Not only do we learn her connections to Alex and Gentek as the reporter dug enough information to fight against the company while her brother was undercover. Alex subsequently encounters a psychopathic woman called Elizabeth Greene, who like Mercer is altered by a virulent weapon dubbed "Blacklight", which changed her in ways that literally trashes Darwin's theory of natural selection out the window. Feeling a link towards Greene he frees her only to get smacked by her ungrateful "mother". Greene births hideous monsters such as Hunters and other abnormalities while she infects the entire city, which sets the stage for what's to come. The effect of that and how it stretches in with his constant search for those who is responsible.
I have played some levels and this is a largely progressive, incredible storyline. The interesting thing about this is although this game is linear, many of the audiences is able to feel attached to Mercer. This is especially on side missions e.g. Web of Intrigue. Mercer, through a system like this can steal memories from targets who are involved with his past by absorbing host's body's. The feature allows the audience to veer down memory lane to uncover secrets and growing mysteries relative to the main plot. Nothing I found wrong in the story that is pretty well written except the pacing can be a little tedious.

Game Play:
Mercer has the ability to disguise himself by consuming others. This enables the user to regain health after it decreased from attacks. In addition, stealth is a major issue when it comes to infiltrating army bases at some point in the game. There is a reticule at the bottom of the screen in your Heads Up Display (HUD) that measures your discretion. If you are spotted in your host's guise doing suspicious activity, it will be harder to escape.
Another factor is Mercer gains 'upgrades' or special manoeuvres during the course of the game. These abilities come across in a few options for defensive and offensive powers. For instance, he can transform parts of his body into blades that can penetrate almost any material. A defense would be a shield he envelops that blocks most attacks. Going through a catalog of powers is not as tough as it sounds. It's simple to activate plus this does not interrupt normal play.
In addition, the character has super strength and gymnastic capability that makes use of his parkour movements. Alex can go anywhere, you are basically unstoppable. The only problem with the mechanics is the controls are crazy sometimes. I think one point in level 2 I had a problem throwing a car onto a helicopter, but it easily clears that flare up. The other trouble was difficulty adjusting to his agility, he just goes on and on non stop. It compels the fluidity of his travels slightly because you cannot go up a building without falling off the top of it.
The presentation is descent, but not perfect. A lot of things can be done here besides the story like working alongside the Infected or military during Events section. That is only just a sample of the potential you can try in this game. These help to keep the gamer busy, nevertheless, collecting medals in a sort of arcade tone maybe fun but can get old very quickly. The graphics on the monsters are believable and is a good spokesperson for very mature levels of gore. At least it is not too demanding though, visuals are crisp, especially when diving into Alex's subconscious in vague but effective flashbacks. Sadly, there is always drawbacks with entertainment so I hate to break it like this, but the skyline has low quality and the drastic change transitioned from pre-infection to post-infection in the setting does not do much for me.
Developers at Radical Entertainment balanced a sharp cut apocalyptic premise with a gritty, open world, superhero game for single player. With a few improvements this would be a masterpiece. Prototype still is more than just an idea, it is a collector's item that coups up a conspiracy that fits it's way on a control pad snugly as much as slipping into footwear. With intense game play, remarkable graphics and clever story I could play it in fortnights. You can truly change everything and become anything within this ball of a game.
- Written by Kbon